Chemical Technology GATE-2006

Q 1: The oxo reaction is used for converting
Q 2: In a fluid catalytic cracking unit, the nature of the reactions occurring in the reactor and the regenerator is
Q 3: Pair the following industrial processes with the catalysts used.
Group -1 | Group -2 |
P: Oxidation of o-xylene to phthalic anhydride | 1: V2O5 |
Q: Oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde | 2: Pd |
R: Oxidation of ammonia to oxides of nitrogen | 3: Ag |
4: Pt |
Q 4: Pair the following reactors with their products
Group -1 | Group -2 |
P: Arc Furnace | 1: Citric acid |
Q: Fermenter | 2: Calcium carbide |
R: Hydrogenator | 3: Saturated fats |
4: Alum |
Q 5: Pair the following polymers with their chain characteristics
P: HDPE | 1: Very few branches |
Q: LDPE | 2: Short and regular branches |
R. LLDPE | 3: High branching with both short and long chain branches |
Q 6: Choose the most appropriate pairs from the following
P: Nitration | 1: Detergent |
Q: Sulphonation | 2: Pulp and paper |
R: Carbonation | 3: Explosives |
4: Sugar |
Q 7: Match the following
P: Carbon disulphide | 1: Nylon – 6 |
P: Carbon disulfide | 2: Nylon – 66 |
R: Gypsum | 3: Phosphoric acid |
4: Viscose rayon |