Analytical Instruments Quiz
AI Quiz – 1
Q 1: Which statement is wrong about qualitative analysis
Q 2: In a solution, a solvent is
Q 3: Which statement is false about the Internal standard method?
Q 4: The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in a single scan is 20. How many scans are necessary to get a ratio (S/N) of 40?
Q 5: With the increase of wavenumber,
Q 6: Identify the correct sequence that corresponds to A, B, and C in the given figure. Where the red line & circle represents the radiation path & matter respectively.

Q 7: Double bond contains
Q 8: If % Transmittance equals 10, absorbance equals
Q 9: The figure depicts the thermal decomposition of several polymers. The polymer with the lowest thermal stability is

Q 10: Which statement is true about Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA)
Q 11: Which one is true about Power Compensated DSC
Q 12: A 100 % crystalline polymer
Q 13: Which types of compounds are suitable for gas chromatography analysis?
Q 14: What should the carrier gas characteristics be?
Q 15: In gas chromatography, during split-injection mode only ______________
Q 16: Which of the following statements concerning capillary columns is true when employed in gas chromatography?
Q 17: What are the characteristics of a good detector?
Q 18: Which statement is false about HPLC
Q 19: In reverse phase column ___________
Q 20: Why silica is used as a stationary phase in HPLC?