Safety Risk Management Quiz
RSM Quiz – 4
Q 1. What is the risk?
Q 2. What should you do if you receive any injury?
Q 3. What are the consequences of an accident?
Q 4. What does the acronym PTO stand for?
Q 5. How would you neutralize spilled acid?
Q 6. What does the risk phrase R40 mean?
Q 7. How would you deal with a bromine spill?
Q 8. Which of the following are flammable: ethylene, phosgene, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen peroxide, or propylene?
Q 9. What is a fume hood?
Q 10. Which of the following materials can catch fire when exposed to water?
Q 11. Is chlorine denser than air?
Q 12. What is meant by class A fire?
Q 13. Disadvantages of dry powder extinguishers?
Q 14. Why should you use earth metal equipment when working with flammable liquids?
Q 15. What hazardous liquids could be found in connection with car batteries?
Q 16. The concentration of chlorine gas in a workroom should not exceed to what level
Q 17. What is the name given to a sound level which has a frequency above the human ability to hear?
Q 18. What is a dust cloud?
Q 19. Oxygen is detectable by smell.