Process Calculations Quiz

PC Quiz – 3

Q 1: Concentration of a solution expressed in terms of ____________ is independent of temperature.

Ans is C)


Q 2: Pick out the correct conversion.

Ans is B)


Q 3: In the oxidation of ethane: 2C_2H_6\;+\;7O_2\;\rightarrow\;4CO_2\;+\;6H_2O how many moles of O2 are required to react with 1 mole of ethane?

Ans is C)


Q 4: Average molecular weight of air is about

Ans is B)


Q 5: Increasing the temperature of an aqueous solution will cause a decrease in its

Ans is D)


Q 6: With the rise in pressure, the solubility of gases in a solvent, at a fixed temperature

Ans is A)


Q 7: Which of the following is not a colligative property?

Ans is D)


Q 8: The heat change for the reaction, C(s)\;+\;2S(s)\;\rightarrow\;CS_2(l) , is 104.2 kJ. It represents the heat of

Ans is A)


Q 9: The rate of material __________ is zero in the case of a steady state system.

Ans is A)


Q 10: Gases having same reduced temperatures and reduced pressures

Ans is C)


Q 11: \left[ML^{-1}T^{-2}\right] is the dimensional formula of

Ans is C)


Q 12: The dimensional formula of coefficient of viscosity is

Ans is C)


Q 13: The S.I. unit of the universal gas constant is

Ans is C)


Q 14: Which of the following does the concept of material balance based upon?

Ans is A)


Q 15: A container has 10 grams of water 5 grams of water is added and 2 grams of water is taken out, what is the final amount of water?

Ans is C)


Q 16: 10 moles of O2 is added to 10 moles of H2, how many moles of H2O will it produce?

Ans is B)


Q 17: The general material balance equation for a reactive system is Accumulation = Input + Generation – x, what is x?

Ans is B)


Q 18: In an unsteady state system, the flow in rate of A is 12 mole/s, what is the flow out rate of B if the accumulation was 18 mole in 3 seconds?

Ans is B)


Q 19: Which heat energy form is called as hidden energy?

Ans is B)


Q 20: We don`t use volume balance in a chemical process because

Ans is B)


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