Process Calculations Quiz

PC Quiz – 2

Q 1: ________ dimensions are those that can be developed in terms of fundamental dimensions.

Ans is B)


Q 2: Which one is not a fundamental dimension?

Ans is D)


Q 3: Conversion factor to change inch to cm is

Ans is B)


Q 4: Volume representation of a real gas is given by the equation V = aT + bTP + cTPn Litre Where: a,  b, c are constants and T, P, n are temperature, pressure and number of moles respectively. If the equation is dimensionally consistent then What is the unit of a?

Ans is A)


Q 5: The amount of substance containing 6.022\times10^{23} entities is called

Ans is A)


Q 6: Molecular weight is the ratio of _______ and ________

Ans is A)


Q 7: How many pounds of NaOH are in 15 g mole of NaOH?

Ans is A)


Q 8: What is the mass fraction of Na atom in NaOH molecule?

Ans is C)


Q 9: The quantity of solute per unit volume is __________

Ans is B)


Q 10: What is the molarity of a solution made by diluting 500 mL of a 2.50 M solution to a final volume of 800 mL?

Ans is B)


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