Process Calculations Notes

Topic 1.1: Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Introduction, Process, Batch process, Semi-batch process, Continuous process, Chemist vs. Chemical Engineer, Manufacturing Processes, Definition of Chemical Engineering, Historical background of Chemical Engineering, Evolution of Chemical Industries, The Present-day Chemical Industry, Major Chemical Industries, Functions of a Chemical Engineer, A well-known person in Chemical History, Important questions and answers

Topic 1.2: Units and Dimensions

Physical quantity, Dimensions, Units, Units of Force (N, kgf, lbf), Units of Pressure, Important rules for units/dimensions, Equivalent conversion of dimensional equations, ∆T conversion, Dimensionally Homogeneous equations, Dimensional Analysis, Need for Dimensional Analysis, Buckingham Pi Theorem, Some important unit conversions, Important questions and answers

Topic 1.3: Mole Concept

Matter, Atom, Element, Isotopes, Molecules, Compound, Mass of one carbon atom, Mass of one mole of atom

Topic 1.4: Stoichiometry

Stoichiometry, Excess and Limiting Reactant concept, Conversion (X), Yield & selectivity concept, Extent of reaction (ε), Molar volume of gaseous substance, Avogadro’s Law, Equivalent weight, No. of equivalence/gram equivalent concept (E)

Topic 1.5: Concentration Terms

Solution, Molarity, Normality, Molality, Mole/mass/volume fraction, Wt. by wt. percent, Wt. by vol. percent, Vol. by vol. percent, Parts per million (ppm), Parts per billion (ppb), Moisture content in a given material Density, Various types of density encountered

Topic 1.6: Properties of Ideal Gases

Properties of gases, Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Ideal gases, Unit of Gas Constant (R), STP, NTP & ATP Conditions, Ideal Gas Mixture (Dalton’s Law, Amagat’s law, Mavg, ρavg, and specific Gravity (S.G.), Ideal gas Mixture Calculations, Important questions and answers.

Topic 1.7: Properties of Pure Substances

Pure substance definition, Phase definition, Change of Phase, Drawing TV diagram, Drawing PV diagram, Comparison between TV and PV diagram, PT diagram

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