Engineering Mathematics GATE-1994

Q 1: The inverse of a matrix
Q 2: The limit of as x→0 is
Q 3: Integrating factor for the differential equation is
Q 4: If are the unit vectors in rectangular coordinates, then the curl of the vector
Q 5: The solution for the differential equation is
Q 6: The Taylor’s series expansion of f(x) around x = a is ______________.
Q 7: For a differential function f(x) to have a maximum, should be ________ and should be ____________.
Q 8: is an exact differential when __________.
Q 9: The integral of is ____________.
Q 10: The Green’s theorem relates _________ integrals to surface integrals.
Q 11: If ‘a’ is a scalar and is a vector, then _________.
Q 12: The differential equation , with the conditions y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1 is called a _______ value problem.
Q 13: State with reasons whether the statement is true or false
The series for x < 1 is divergent.
Q 14: Match the items in the left column with the appropriate items in the right column.
(I) | (A) |
(II) | (B) |
(C) | |
(D) |
Q 15: Match the items in the left column with the appropriate items in the right column.
(I) | (A) linear 1st order ODE with constant coefficient |
(II) | (B) linear ODE with variable coefficient |
(C) 1st order nonlinear ODE | |
(D) linear 2nd order ODE |
Q 16: Find the eigenvalues of the matrix