Chemical Technology GATE-2021


Q 1. Match the common name of chemicals in Group 1 with their chemical formula in Group 2.

Group -1Group -2
P: GypsumI: Ca(H2PO4)2
Q: DolomiteII: CaSO4.2H2O
R: Triple SuperphosphateIII: CaCO3.MgCO3

The correct combination is:

Ans is )


Q 2. Match the reaction in Group 1 with the reaction type in Group 2.

Group -1Group -2
P: Methylcyclohexane β†’ Toluene + 3H2I: Dehydrocyclization
Q: Ethylcyclopentane β†’ MethylcyclohexaneII: Cracking
R: n-Octane β†’ Ethylbenzene + 4H2III: Dehydrogenation
S: n-Octane β†’ n-Pentane + PropyleneIV: Isomerization

The correct combination is:

Ans is )
