Chemical Technology GATE-2013


Q 1: In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the contact process, the catalytic oxidation of SO2 is carried out in multiple stages mainly to

Ans is )


Q 2: Match the reactant–product combination in Group 1 with the unit process in Group 2

(P) propylene –butanol(1) Pyrolysis
(Q) cumene –phenol(2) Dehydrogenation
(R) butane –butadiene(3) Hydroformylation
(S) ethylene dichloride – vinyl chloride(4) Peroxidation

Ans is )


Q 3: Identify which of the following statements are FALSE.

Q: The production of synthesis gas from coal and steam is an endothermic process
Q: Production of synthesis gas from coal and steam is an endothermic process
R. Use of chlorine for bleaching of wood pulp results in the release of dioxins
S: In the manufacture of urea from ammonia, the main intermediate product formed is ammonium bicarbonate

Ans is )
