Chemical Technology GATE-2009


Q 1: In petroleum refining operations, the process used for converting paraffins and naphthenes to aromatics is

Ans is )


Q 2: The active component of catalysts used in steam reforming of methane to produce synthesis gas is

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Q 3: Match the product in Group I with the name of the process in Group II.

Group -1Group -2
P: Sodium carbonate1: Haber
Q: Ammonia2: Solvay
R: Sulphuric acid3: Fischer-Tropsch
 4: Contact

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Q 4: Match the product in Group I to the raw material in Group II.

Group -1Group -2
P: Ethylene1: Natural gas
Q: Methanol2: Synthesis gas
R: Phthalic anhydride3: Naphtha
 4: Naphthalene

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Q 5: Match the unit process in Group I with the industry in Group II.

Group -1Group -2
P: Steam cracking1: Petroleum refining
Q: Hydro cracking2: Petrochemicals
R: Condensation3: Polymers
 4: Soaps and Detergents

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