Chemical Technology GATE-2001

Q 1: One of the steps during the refining of cane sugar consists of addition of hydrated lime to the sugar syrup followed by carbonation of the resulting solution. The purpose of this step is to
Q 2: Styrene is produced from ethyl benzene by the
Q 3: In the fluid catalytic cracker (FCC), the cracking reaction is _____ (a) _____ and the regeneration is ______ (b) ______.
Q 4: In the converter of the contact process of the manufacture of H2SO4, the equilibrium conversion of SO2 _____ (a) ________ with an increase in the temperature and ______ (b) ____ with an increase in the mole ratio of SO2 to air.
Q 5: For the hydrogenation of oils _____ (a) ______ is commonly used as a catalyst, and _____ (b) ____ is a catalyst poison.