Chemical Technology GATE-2000

Q 1: In petroleum refining, the process used for conversion of hydrocarbons to aromatics is
Q 2: Commercially, ethylene is produced from naphtha by
Q 3: Triple superphosphate is manufactured by reacting
Q 4: Synthesis gas is a mixture of
Q 5: Each of the products mentioned in the left-hand column requires one or more of the reactants mentioned in the right-hand column. Match the products with the appropriate reactant(s).
Group -1 | Group -2 |
I: Phthalic anhydride | (A): Benzene |
II: Cumene | (B): Naphthalene |
(C): Carbon monoxide | |
(D) Phenol | |
(E): Propylene | |
(F): Air | |
(G): Ethyl benzene | |
(H): Hydrogen |