Chemical Technology GATE-1999


Q 1: Sucrose is a disaccharide consisting of

Ans is )


Q 2:  The organic acid monomer in Nylon 66 is

Ans is )


Q 3: Which one of the following is not likely to be a constituent of vegetable oils?

Ans is )


Q 4: The gas that contributes the maximum to the heating value of natural gas is

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Q 5: Match each polymer mentioned in the left-hand column with the corresponding chemical nature listed in the right-hand column.

Group -1Group -2
A: Perspex1: Polysaccharide
B: Rayon2: Polyamide
 3: Polyacrylate
 4: Polyester
 5: Polyether
 6: Polyolefin
Ans is )


Q 6: Write the overall chemical reaction (stoichiometrically balanced) for the manufacture of each of the following chemicals

A: vinyl acetate from ethylene
B: urea from ammonia
C: styrene from ethyl benzene
D: caustic soda from brine
E: triple super phosphate from phosphate rock
Ans is )
