Chemical Technology GATE-1992

Q 1: The steps involved in the manufacture of phenol by chlorobenzene caustic process are chlorination of benzene, ______ and ________. The process is competitive when low-cost chlorine is available. This means that the process must be coupled to a _______ plant.
Q 2: For the manufacture of styrene the major raw materials are ____ and ______. One important copolymer of styrene is _____ which is widely used in the manufacture of automobile tyres.
Q 3: Select the appropriate name from the right-hand column, against the processes mentioned:
I: H2 from light petroleum stock | A: Pyrolysis |
II: High octane gasoline from naphtha | B: Catalytic cracking |
III: Gasoline from gas oil | C: Platforming |
IV: Petroleum coke from residue | D: Steam reforming of naphtha |
Q 4: An electrostatic precipitator is normally used for separating particles from gases when
Q 5: Indicate the most appropriate material for the handling of the chemicals as given below:
Chemicals | Materials |
I: Dilute Sulphuric | A: Karbate |
II: Concentrated Hydrochloric Add | B: Nickel |
III: Wet chlorine | C: Lead |
IV: Concentrated Caustic Soda | D: Titanium |
Q 6: The steady-state approximation in a radical chain mechanism involves the assumption that since the concentration of any particular atomic or radical species is so small that it can be taken to be zero.
Q 7: Coal forms an inexplosive mixture with air at ordinary temperatures when it is in finely divided form.
Q 8: Inhibition is the process where the rate of reaction is decreased by lowering the temperature.