Chemical Reaction Engineering GATE-2015


Q 1. Which of the following can change if only the catalyst is changed for a reaction system?

Ans is B)


Q 2. For which reaction order, the half-life of the reactant is half of the full lifetime (time for 100 % conversion) of the reactant?

Ans is A)


Q 3. An irreversible, homogenous reaction A \rightarrow Products, has the expression:


Where CA is the concentration of A. CA varies in the range of 0.5 – 50 mol/m3. For very high concentrations of A, the reaction order tends to:

Ans is B)


Q 4. Consider two steady isothermal flow configurations shown schematically in Case I and Case II below. In Case-I, a CSTR of volume V1 is followed by a PFR of volume V2, while in Case-II a PFR of Volume V2 is followed by a CSTR of volume V1. In each case, a volumetric flow rate Q of liquid reactant is flowing through the two units in series. An irreversible reaction A \rightarrow products (order n) takes place in both cases, with a reactant concentration CA0 being fed into the first unit.

Choose the correct option:

Ans is B)


Q 5. A catalyst slab of half-thickness L (the width and length of the slab >> L) is used to conduct the first-order reaction A \rightarrow B. At 450 K, the Thiele modulus for this system is 0.5. The activation energy for the first order rate constant is 100 kJ/mol. The effective diffusivity of the reactant in the slab can be assumed to be independent of temperature, and external mass transfer resistance can be neglected. If the temperature of the reaction is increased to 470 K, then the effectiveness factor at 470 K (up to two decimal places) will be ______________. The value of the universal gas constant = 8.314 J/mol.K.

Ans is 0.7 to 0.9)


Q 6. The impulse response to a tracer pulse experiment for a flow reactor is given below:

In the above figure, C is the exit tracer concentration. The corresponding E or Eθ (normalized E) curve is correctly represented by which following choices? Here, θ is dimensionless time.

Ans is C)


Q 7. An isothermal steady state mixed flow reactor (CSTR) of 1 m3 volume is used to carry out the first order liquid-phase reaction A \rightarrow products. Fresh feed at a volumetric flow rate of Q containing reactant A at a concentration CA0 mixes with the recycle stream at a volumetric flow rate RQ as shown in the figure below

It is observed that when the recycle ratio R = 0.5, the exit conversion XAf = 50%. When the recycle, the ratio is increased to R = 2, the new exit conversion (in percent) will be:

Ans is A)
