Chemical Reaction Engineering GATE-2003

Q 1: For a series of reactions A\xrightarrow{k_1}B\xrightarrow{k_2}C having k1 << k2, the reaction system can be approximated as
Q 2: An elementary liquid phase decomposition reaction A\xrightarrow k2B is to be carried out in a CSTR. The design equation is
Q 3: Find a mechanism that is consistent with the rate equation and reaction given below
2A+B\rightarrow A_2B;\;\;\;-r_A=kC_AC_BQ 4: A CSTR is to be designed in which an exothermic liquid phase first-order reaction of the type A → R is taking place. The reactor is to be provided with a jacket in which coolant is flowing. The following data is given
CA0 = 5 kmol/m3; XA = 0.5; feed temperature = reactor temperature = 40 ˚C; rate constant at 40 ˚C = 1 min-1; (∆H) = -40 kJ/mol; ρ = 1000 kg/m3; Cp = 4 J/gm ˚C; q = 10-3 m3/min (ρ and Cp are same for the reactant and product streams). The amount of heat to be removed is
Q 5: A liquid phase reaction is to be carried out under isothermal conditions. The reaction rate as a function of conversion has been determined experimentally and is shown in the figure given below. What choice of reactor or combination of reactors will require the minimum overall reactor volume, if a conversion of 0.9 is desired?

Common data for Q 6 & 7:
The following gas phase reactions are carried out isothermally in a CSTR
A\rightarrow2R\;\;r_1=k_1P_A\;\;\;k_1=20\;mol/(sec.m^3bar) A\rightarrow3S\;\;\;r_2=k_2P_A\;\;\;k_2=40\;mol/(sec.m^3bar)Q 6: What is the maximum possible value of FR (mol/sec)?
Q 7: The volume of a CSTR required for fractional conversion of A equal to 0.3 due to the first reaction is
Q 8: A step input tracer test is used to explore the flow pattern of fluid through a vessel of total volume equal to 1 m3 having a feed rate of 1 m3/min.

Identify for each curve in Group 1 a suitable flow model from the list given under Group 2
Group 1 | Group II |
P Curve 1 | 1 PFR and CSTR in series |
Q Curve 2 | 2 CSTR with dead space |
3 PFR in series with a CSTR and dead space | |
4 CSTR |