Chemical Reaction Engineering GATE-2001

Q 1: The conversion for a second-order, irreversible reaction (constant volume) A\xrightarrow{k_1}B , in batch mode is given by
Q 2: The reaction rate constants at two different temperatures T1 and T2 are related by
Q 3: The E-curve for a non-ideal reactor defines the fraction of fluid having age between t and t + dt
Q 4: The mean conversion in the exit stream, for a second-order, liquid phase reaction in a non-ideal flow reactor is given by
Q 5: For a vapor phase catalytic reaction A + B β P which follows the Rideal mechanism and the reaction step is rate controlling, the rate of reaction is given by (reaction step is irreversible, the product also adsorbs)
Q 6: The first-order, gas phase reaction A\xrightarrow{k_1}2B is conducted isothermally in batch mode. The rate of change of conversion with time is given by