Q 1: Beer Lambert’s law gives the relation between which of the following?
Answer is B)
Explanation: It gives the relationship between energy absorption and Concentration.
Q 2: Bolometer, a type of detector, is also known as:
Answer is B)
Explanation: Bolometers are also known as thermistors.
Q 3: Three different people weigh a standard mass of 2.00 g on the same balance. Each person obtains a reading of exactly 7.32 g for the mass of the standard. These results imply that the balance that was used is:
Answer is A)
Explanation: The exact weight of the reference sample is 7.32 g, however, the weighing machine only shows 2 g. It indicates that the weighing balance is not correct. However, the weighing balance’s repeatability is outstanding. As a result, the weighing balance is exact but not accurate.
Q 4: Identify the type of instrument calibration error(s) shown in this graph:
Answer is D)
Explanation: The actual curve deviates from the straight line (ideal curve).
Q 5: As wavenumber ↑, wave energy
Answer is B)
Explanation: Wavenumber is the inverse of the wavelength.
Q 6: How is the wavelength controlled in an FTIR spectrometer?
Answer is C)
Explanation: The wavelength is controlled by a laser.
Q 7: How does the Nitrogen spectrum look?
Answer is C)
Explanation: Nitrogen has no dipole moment due to a symmetric bond. So, it is inactive to IR.
Q 8: In which region of the infrared spectrum would you expect to find a peak characteristic of a triple bond stretch?
Answer is B)
Explanation: As bond strength increases, wavenumber increases. C≡C(2200cm−1);C=C(1650cm−1);C−C(1200cm−1)
Q 9: In infrared spectroscopy which frequency range is known as the fingerprint region?
Answer is B)
Explanation: The fingerprint region contains multiple peaks and it comes in the range of 600 to 1400 cm-1.
Q 10: Which one is bending vibration
Answer is E)
Explanation: All of these are examples of bending vibration. The bond angle changes during bending vibration.