Chemical Plant Utilities Quiz

CPU Quiz – 1

Q 1: Water that forms scum with soap is called

Answer is A)

Explanation: Hard water reacts with the soap solution and forms a white curdy insoluble precipitate known as scum.

Q 2: The hardness which can be removed by boiling is called

Answer is B)

Explanation: Soluble salts (calcium and magnesium bicarbonates) cause temporary hardness. When heated, these soluble salts decompose and precipitate out as insoluble salts.



Q 3: ________ is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water.

Answer is C)

Explanation: The removal of calcium, magnesium and other metal cations from hard water is known as water softening.

Q 4: Which of these methods does not remove hardness?

Answer is D)

Explanation: Only suspended solids can be removed using sedimentation.

Q 5: A device used to measure humidity is called a

Answer is C)

Explanation: A psychrometer measures humidity by taking temperature readings from both wet-bulb and dry-bulb.

Psychrometer (Image Ref: Show location)

A hygrometer is an instrument that measures the amount of water vapor in the air, soil, or confined spaces.

Hygrometer (Image Ref: Show location)

Q 6: Amount of water vapor in the air is regarded as.

Answer is B)

Explanation: The amount of water vapor present in the air is defined as humidity.

Q 7: Humidity is the result of

Answer is D)

Explanation: The amount of water vapor present in the air is defined as humidity.

Q 8: The orange color cannot be used on the surface of the cast which is not finished and left.

Answer is B)

Explanation: None of the casting surfaces are colored green. Cast surfaces that have yet to be machined are colored red.

Q 9: Both temporary and permanent hardness of water can be removed by

Answer is B)

Explanation: For removing temporary hardness, boiling and filtration can be used. Decantation is the separation of insoluble solid particles from a liquid or the separation of two immiscible liquids with different densities. Distillation can be used to remove both temporary and permanent water hardness.

Q 10: Which of the following substances are commonly used in a filter?

Answer is C)

Explanation: Both charcoal and sand are used in filters due to their porous nature.

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